
Maintenance of our diamond saw blades

 Diamond saw blade is a common cutting tool, which is used to cut hard materials such as stone, concrete, metal, etc. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, precision and wear resistance. In order to ensure the normal service life of the diamond saw blade, it needs to be maintained. This article will introduce the maintenance of diamond saw blades from the following aspects.

1. Installation and disassembly
When installing and removing diamond saw blades, the corresponding saw blade disc should be selected according to the size of the saw blade, and attention should be paid to the rotation direction of the saw blade. When installing, ensure the fit between the saw blade and the saw disc to avoid deviation or loosening of the saw blade, resulting in reduced cutting quality or damage to the saw blade. When disassembling, first stop the rotation of the saw blade, and then loosen the nut with a wrench to avoid safety accidents caused by the sliding of the saw blade.

2. Cleaning and maintenance
After a period of use, dust, stone chips and other substances will accumulate on the diamond saw blade, which will affect the cutting effect and life of the saw blade. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and maintain the diamond saw blade. Specific steps are as follows:

Clean the surface of the saw blade with clean water, and avoid using hard objects or metal brushes to avoid scratching the surface of the saw blade.
Use a soft-bristled brush dipped in detergent, and gently scrub the surface of the saw blade. Be careful not to brush too hard to avoid scratching the saw blade.
Rinse the surface of the saw blade with clean water to ensure the surface is clean.
Use a hair dryer or dry the saw blade naturally, and avoid placing it in a humid or high temperature environment to prevent the saw blade from rusting or deforming.

3. Storage
When storing diamond saw blades, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Put the saw blade in a dry, clean and ventilated place to avoid moisture or contamination of the saw blade.
Place the saw blade on a flat surface to avoid deformation of the saw blade.
Pack the saw blades in plastic bags or cartons to prevent dust, stone chips and other debris from adhering to the surface of the saw blades.

When using a diamond saw blade, avoid using it where the hardness exceeds the specified hardness of the saw blade. Regular cleaning and maintenance are also required after use to ensure that it will not rust. If you have any requirements or queries about our brazed diamond saw blades and services, you can contact us at any time.
