
How Does Rice Color Sorter Machine Work?

 With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, high-quality rice is becoming more and more popular. The production and processing of high-quality rice has also helped farmers and rice processors to increase their income while meeting the needs of consumers.

The rice color sorting machine plays an indispensable role in the rice processing process. After continuous product iteration, the latest rice color sorter can accurately identify and remove materials based on multi-dimensional features such as color, shape, texture, size, area, weight, softness and hardness. Compared with manual selection, the large intelligent rice color sorter not only makes the rice processing more labor-saving, time-saving, efficient and low-cost, but also greatly improves the quality, economic and social benefits of the selected products.

AMD rice color sorter machine

How does the rice color sorter work?

The rice color sorter is a machine that uses photoelectric technology to automatically sort out the particles of different colors in the rice according to the difference in the optical characteristics of the rice, so as to achieve the effect of improving the quality of the rice and removing impurities. Rice color sorter is mainly composed of feeding system, optical sorting device, control system, lighting system and air system.

Let's take a popular AMD product as an example to introduce how the rice color sorter works. The working principle is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

The material enters the machine through the top hopper, and enters the upper end of the material distribution tank through the vibration of the vibrator. The selected material will slide along the material trough to the sorting room, and the image sensor can accurately obtain the color information of the material through the illumination of the light in the sorting room.

The sensor compares the detected color with the set color. When the color signal exceeds the set range, it will be judged as a non-conforming product.

After the control system receives the message, it delays accurately, and when the target material reaches the center of the injection, it drives the solenoid valve to inject high-pressure airflow, so as to blow the unqualified material into the waste box, and the qualified material will naturally fall to the material box middle.

At the same time, the rice color sorter is also equipped with infrared lighting. When the material passes through, it is scanned by the infrared light. It can also identify the material according to its shape and material. It can also be based on shape and material, which greatly improves the ability of the color sorter to screen materials.

Figure 2: AMD RG8 Smart Rice Color Sorter Machine

 Smart Rice Color Sorter Machine

Color sorting is the last process of rice processing, and it is also a key step to ensure the quality of rice. The color sorting accuracy of AMD rice color sorter can reach 99.99%, and stones, grass seeds, yellowed rice and various impurities can be effectively removed. Eliminate and achieve accurate classification. AMD has never stopped pursuing the ultimate quality of rice, in order to make food safer. For more than 20 years, we have continued to try and innovate, and are committed to providing global users with professional, systematic and most commercially valuable sorting solutions and products. In 2022, Zhongke Optoelectronics will launch the RG series of intelligent rice sorting machines, click for details.
