One of the components of an engine is the valve. Engine valves are mechanical components that support internal combustion.
One approach is the consumption of compressed air. Based on experiences from valve manufacturer (Desu Automatic Manufacturer. Co.,Ltd), around 500 butterfly, 1,000 seat and 1,500 double seat valves are installed in your average large dairy (700 million kg raw materials p.a.). If compressed air consumption could be reduced by just a few percent, this could result in considerable savings.
Another way to increase efficiency is to minimize cleaning fluid losses. An NW 65 valve with 2.5 bar line pressure can easily lose almost 2 liters of fluid per second. This loss occurs due to the necessary leakage space in double seat valves, which is cleaned when the valve disc is raised. To prevent the loss of too much cleaning fluid, the response times of the valves must be as short as possible – solutions can be found in their design.
Related products: API 6A Gate Valves, High Pressure Ball Valves